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We have an official logo!


We are very excited to announce that BFRB UK & Ireland now has an official logo!

Designed by our very own Tash Willson, this logo has been over a year in the making. In the research and development stage, Tash identified the bluebell as a symbol of our community for a range of reasons: it signifies the beauty of spring in the UK & Ireland, but the bluebell is also a flower that often hides in the shadow of other plants.

Importantly, bluebells rarely grow alone, and thrive in clusters, in communities.

The words "BFRB UK & Ireland" under two bluebell branches.
The official BFRB UK & Ireland logo

We especially think the short version of our name 'bfrb u&i' represents the importance of our togetherness. 

We are so grateful to Tash for the hard work, love and creative energy that she has put into this logo, and we hope you love it as much as we do.

The words "BFRB U & I" under two bluebell branches.
Our shortened name, BFRB U & I

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