We are the UK and Ireland's first charitable organisation for body-focused repetitive behaviours.
BFRB UK & Ireland was founded in 2015 by Pavitt Thatcher and Dr Bridget Bradley, driven by the lack of support available for people with body-focused repetitive behaviours in the UK and Ireland. Since then, we have been running in-person and online support groups for both people with BFRBs, and people supporting loved-ones with BFRBs.

At the helm of our organisation is a small team of volunteers, all of whom have BFRBs themselves. We are passionate about providing well-needed support for the BFRB community in the UK and Ireland, building a community where people living with BFRBs can feel accepted and unashamed, and spearheading awareness-raising campaigns across our two islands.
But wait - what are BFRBs?
Body-focused repetitive behaviours are a group of complex mental health diagnoses, including disorders such as hair pulling disorder (trichotillomania), skin picking disorder (excoriation or dermatillomania), and nail biting disorder (onychophagia). BFRBs are characterised by urges to pick, pull, bite, or scratch at the skin, hair, or nails. They are not habits or tics, but complex disorders that can cause significant distress and can severely impact a person's quality of lift. Although they are listed within a group of 'Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders' in diagnostic manuals such as the DSM 5, they are distinct from OCD and other OCD-related disorders.
We are here to help
Whether you are a person with a BFRB, or someone you love has, or is showing signs of, a BFRB; we are here to help. We run regular online support groups and are hoping to offer in-person support in the near future. We are also happy to point you in the direction of other supports should you need it. To hear more about our events and advocacy, you can join our mailing list. We also have a FAQ page if you have any questions!
Our organisation is entirely not-for-profit, with our small team working voluntarily. We appreciate all donations, big or small. Donations can be made on our GoFundMe, linked below.