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Pull (2022): a short film about hair pulling disorder


Grace David, a film editor from South-East England, documents her experience of living with hair pulling disorder and her journey to acceptance

"It felt really good, until I stopped for a moment and thought about what I was doing, and I felt so guilty."

Grace has pulled out her hair since she was 9 years old. For years she thought that she was the only person in the world who pulled out their hair - not even her doctor knew that the condition had a name.

"For me, I felt very alone for years and I really did think that I was the only one on planet earth who did this!"

After years of struggling to get a proper diagnosis, she carried out her own research and found a small community of people online who pull out their hair and pick out their skin. She discovered that these conditions are called BFRBs, Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviours, and that she had a BFRB called Trichotillomania.

While studying Film Production at the University of Gloucestershire, Grace decided that she wanted to make a short documentary on hair pulling disorder to tell her story of living with the disorder and her journey to acceptance, as well as highlight the impact that BFRBs can have on a person's life.

"[Grace's] brave decision to share her condition and the challenges she's faced with a wider audience is already touching so many more lives." Soho LIFF.

The result is a heartwarming and beautifully filmed short documentary named "Pull". The film has received several accolades, including Best Student Documentary at the Soho London Independent Film Festival and Best Short Documentary at the Infinity Film Festival.

We are incredibly grateful to the Pull team for allowing us to share their documentary. You can watch the film here:

Cast and crew: Grace David - Lead Participant & Editor; Louise Devereux - Director; Beth Marsh - Producer; Krissy Finn - Production Designer; Jaime Rojo - Director of Photography; Tom Purves - Sound Designer; Tamsyn Furneaux - Composer & Participant; Emma David - Participant; Tina Bevin - Participant; Caroline Harbison - Participant; Ashley Mainwaring - Participant

With special thanks to the Regency Tea Rooms, Cheltenham; Rapunzel Extensions, Marlow; Freya Tugwell, Marketing; Andy Roger's, Grace's Lullaby.

Copyright © Louise Devereux, Grace David, Beth Marsh, Jaime Rojo, Krissy Finn, Tom Purves

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